miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

UV inauguró A una sola voz, exposición fotográfica

Xalapa, Equez., Ver., martes 29 de marzo de 2016.

UV inauguró A una sola voz,
exposición fotográfica

    Se muestran 55 imágenes de la “Marcha por la defensa de la Universidad Veracruzana y la educación superior”

Francisco Javier Chaín Revuelta y Alma Martínez

Boca del Río, Ver.- Como una muestra del talento de los estudiantes del nivel Técnico Superior Universitario (TSU) en Fotografía y egresados de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación (Facico), la Universidad Veracruzana (UV) inauguró la exposición fotográfica A una sola voz, en la barda exterior del campus Mocambo.
Se trata de una selección de 55 fotografías tomadas por alumnos de TSU en Fotografía y egresados de la Facico durante la “Marcha por la defensa de la Universidad Veracruzana y la educación superior”, realizada el pasado 10 de marzo.
Ysabel Ramírez, del Área Académica de Artes, señaló que “la UV no sólo difunde conocimiento científico y forma recursos humanos de calidad, sino que en su seno y como parte integral de sus funciones sustantivas se cultiva la salud, se crea y fomentan las expresiones artísticas”.
Destacó que el título A una sola voz refleja el sentir de la comunidad universitaria: alumnos, académicos, trabajadores, funcionarios, administradores y egresados, todos clamando a una sola voz lo que por derecho corresponde; dijo que la marcha mostró la unidad y el amor que la sociedad y universitarios sienten por su alma máter.
El corte del listón inaugural fue realizado por la rectora Sara Ladrón de Guevara, el vicerrector Alfonso Pérez Morales, y los secretarios regionales Académico y de Administración y Finanzas, Carlos Lamothe Zavaleta y Juan Pablo Munguía Tiburcio, respectivamente.
La Rectora recordó que la marcha fue convocada por el Consejo Universitario para defender los derechos de los jóvenes por la educación superior, y que llamó la atención nacional e internacional.
También dijo que se distinguió por tener una sola voz en la composición de la pieza musical La UV no se toca, que hizo la Orquesta Tradicional Moscovita y que “todos cantamos y entonamos en todas las marchas simultáneas que se realizaron en las cinco regiones de la UV y en nueve ciudades del estado”.
El Vicerrector destacó que en las fotografía se puede visualizar que fue una marcha pacífica y ordenada, en la que se hizo patente el reclamo de la UV. Informó además que la exposición permanecerá durante algún tiempo en la barda perimetral del campus Mocambo, después de un mes será una exposición itinerante que podrá ser vista en los edificios de las facultades y centros de la región universitaria.
         Estudiantes y académicos que se dieron cita en la inauguración comentaron su entusiasmo por ver las imágenes y recordar la significativa movilización, así como el talento de sus compañeros.
Rodrigo López Tavera, uno de los autores de las fotografías, expuso: “Como estudiante de TSU en Fotografía, me siento muy complacido de ver parte de mi trabajo en los muros de la Universidad, y aunque las piezas no tienen cédula, creo que es muy importante que sean públicas, que estén en la calle y no en una galería, me gusta que la gente pueda ver el trabajo, que los chavos pasen y señalen, se reconozcan y se sientan felices de estar defendiendo su Universidad”.
Eric Hernández, de la Facico, dijo: “Me alegra porque son egresados de mi Facultad, está padre porque aparte de exponer el talento también sabemos del apoyo y de lo que se está haciendo por la Universidad. Me da mucho orgullo ser UV”.
En tanto, Alejandra Cruz, también de la Facico, mencionó: “Es una exposición muy bonita, tuve la oportunidad de ver algunas fotos y demuestra que esta galería fotográfica –como la UV– se une para diversas causas, sobre todo ahora que están atacando a nuestra casa de estudios. Me parece muy buena idea que estén dando a conocer todo esto para que no nada más quede en una marcha, sino plasmado en un papel y que la gente tenga oportunidad de ver y conocer mejor”.
         La docente de Pedagogía, Beatriz Aguirre Corro, opinó sobre la exposición: “Es muy buena para que el público vea todo lo que se está haciendo en la Universidad y el entusiasmo que tuvieron los chicos y personal docente sobre la defensa de nuestros derechos, es lo único que estamos pidiendo, nada más”.
Además, la directora de la Facultad de Odontología, Clara Luz Parra Uscanga, comentó: “Es una demostración de la marcha que tuvimos en la región de Veracruz-Boca del Río, para todos nosotros es un orgullo haber participado. Son fotos que reflejan la expresión y el sentir de las personas que participaron en la marcha”.
Roberto Sánchez Linares, de Pedagogía, sostuvo: “Como universitarios podemos hacer una revolución y exigir nuestros derechos, eso es lo que pienso, que debe ser una manifestación conforme a la razón y al conocimiento, exigir el derecho que por ley nos pertenece, porque la universidad pública ha hecho mucho por los jóvenes y ha hecho que su vida cambie para bien. Al no tener la UV los recursos necesarios se bloquea el aprendizaje y el conocimiento”.

 Alumnos del TSU en Fotografía, autores de las imágenes de la exposición fotográfica A una sola voz

 Rodrigo López, alumno de TSU y autor de una de las imágenes

Eric Hernández y Alejandra Cruz con sus compañeros

 La Rectora aplaudió el talento de los universitarios

domingo, 27 de marzo de 2016

La vida por escrito de Virginia Woolf

La vida por escrito de Virginia Woolf

Por Esther Andradi

Despuntaba el año 1941 y Europa se hundía en el terror y la muerte. La segunda guerra mundial había estallado en 1939, el fascismo se extendía, cientos de miles de emigrados abarrotaban trenes y barcos huyendo de las persecuciones y otros tantos golpeaban las puertas de embajadas en busca de refugio. El mayor de los genocidios del siglo XX en territorio europeo había comenzado. Desde unos meses atrás Inglaterra, y especialmente Londres, era azotada por el blitz, los ataques aéreos de la Luftwaffe. Distritos enteros de la ciudad en ruinas eran devastados por las llamas. En medio de ese desastre, el 28 de marzo de 1941 la escritora Virginia Woolf se arrojó al río Ouse y logró que su cuerpo lo tragara la corriente. Fue en Rodwell, donde con su esposo Leonard Woolf tenían una residencia para pasar los veranos y ahora era el refugio contra los bombardeos. La primavera ya estaba allí pero las aguas bajaban heladas todavía. Días antes ya lo había intentado, pero el río la devolvía a la orilla. Entonces llenó de piedras los bolsillos de su abrigo. Numerosas piedras recogidas en su caminata por la ribera. ¿Fueron las piedras del fascismo, de la violencia, del orden patriarcal, tan soberbio como ridículo, las que la arrastraron al fondo de las aguas?

Más de un mes después encontraron su cuerpo. Pero las ondas gravitacionales de sus ideas siguen llegando. A diferencia de las galaxias, cuanto más tiempo nos separa de su muerte, más luminosas nos alcanzan. Más provocadoras.

El ángel de la casa

Nacida en 1882, Virginia creció en un hogar privilegiado, estrechamente vinculado a la elite intelectual de la época, con una grandiosa biblioteca a su disposición y en una familia ciertamente numerosa, con varios hermanastros por parte de ambos progenitores, que se casaron en segundas nupcias. Y recibió una educación muy completa, aunque sin ir a la escuela, al buen uso de los grupos socialmente acomodados de aquellos tiempos. Su madre falleció repentinamente cuando Virginia tenía trece años y fue un golpe muy fuerte para ella. Cuando en 1905 murió su padre, sufrió su primera depresión importante. Pero lo que va a marcar su carácter tiene que ver con el “ser mujer” en la época victoriana, donde el destino reservado para una burguesa era constituirse en el “Ángel de la casa”. Mientras las obreras y niñas estaban obligadas a trabajar a destajo, gracias a esa maquinaria llamada revolución industrial, las mujeres acomodadas gozaban del raro honor de ser custodias del hogar y armonía familiar, dueñas y señoras del orden puertas adentro. Virginia no parece dispuesta a calzarse este corsé para satisfacer ni a la familia ni a la pareja, y pronto se da cuenta de que para escribir cualquier cosa que no sea la lista de la lavandería, necesita su propio criterio. La libertad personal. Y es allí donde comienza a oír voces, susurros, reclamos, persuasiones. Consejos de un fantasma. Ella lo describe así:

...el fantasma era una mujer. Y cuando empecé a escribir, la encontré con las primeras palabras. La sombra de sus alas cayó sobre mi página; oí el susurro de su falda en la habitación. Es decir que no bien tomé la pluma para reseñar la novela de aquel hombre famoso, ella se deslizó a mis espaldas y murmuró: “Querida, eres una mujer joven. Estás escribiendo sobre un libro escrito por un hombre. Sé comprensiva; sé tierna; adula; engaña; usa todas las artes y astucias de nuestro sexo. Jamás permitas que nadie sospeche que tienes pensamiento propio. Por encima de todo, sé pura.” E hizo el intento de guiar mi pluma.
Durante la primera fase de su vida creativa tuvo que lidiar con este fantasma “El Ángel de la casa”, como lo denominó, que no era fácil de eliminar por su carácter cambiante y fantasioso. Y concluyó que la primera ta-rea para una mujer escritora es matar a este ángel, a este fantasma. Y ser libre.

Entretanto, la familia se había mudado a una casa del barrio londinense de Bloomsbury, que pronto se convirtió en lugar de reunión de intelectuales, algunos de ellos antiguos compañeros de universidad de su hermano mayor. En el grupo, conocido como Bloomsbury, participaba el historiador y ensayista Leonard Woolf, con quien Virginia se casó en 1912, en pleno apogeo del movimiento sufragista. Un año más tarde, en 1913, la sufragista Emily Davison moría en una de sus acciones de protesta al arrojarse a los pies de un caballo de la cuadra real en el transcurso de una carrera.

En 1917 el matrimonio Woolf fundó la editorial The Hogarth Press, el puente por el cual Virginia llegaría al mundo de las letras. Como editora, y a juzgar por las lecturas críticas con que despachaba a sus contemporáneos, se ve que Virginia había tenido éxito en la tarea de enmudecer a su Ángel, sacarlo de en medio, e incluso matarlo, como ella misma asegura en ese alegato sobre los “oficios para mujeres” publicado póstumamente por su esposo. The Hogarth Press se dio el lujo de editar las obras de Sigmund Freud y Robert Graves, de escritoras como Gertrude Stein y Kathrine Mansfield, y de reconocidos exponentes de la literatura rusa como Máximo Gorki, Anton Chéjov o León Tólstoi. Además de rechazar otros tantos notables, como Jean-Paul Sartre, W.H. Auden o el Ulises, de Jame Joyce. “Si ya tuvimos un Homero... no necesitamos otro”, parece que dijo la Woolf según la novelista argentina Susana Sisman, autora de la biografía ficcional Cuando Virginia Woolf desató la cinta azul. Cierto o falso, la cuestión es que la lectura de Joyce la aburría notablemente, según consta en sus Diarios.

Fin de viaje

En 1915, un año después de comenzada la primera guerra mundial, Virginia publica Fin de viaje, su primera novela. Una obra premonitoria, según su biógrafa, Irene Chikiar Bauer, autora de Virginia Woolf. La vida por escrito. Se trata de un viaje iniciático a Sudamérica. Por entonces Virginia ignora que en el sur de ese continente va a surgir una relación muy especial para su literatura. La editora argentina Victoria Ocampo, su futura amiga y admiradora de las “pampas argentinas”, va a lograr la difusión de los libros de la Woolf en la traducción al español –nada menos– que de Jorge Luis Borges. La Ocampo era todavía, en aquellos años, una joven des-preocupada que paseaba su luna de miel por Europa.

En Fin de viaje nacen también los personajes de sus futuros libros, como la señora Dalloway, protagonista de la historia del mismo nombre que va publicar en 1925.

Y es la novela donde Virginia impondrá la marca de su escritura.

“Buscó experimentar maneras menos convencionales de tratar el argumento y los personajes, lo cual requería salirse de los cánones establecidos”, comenta Chikiar Bauer. “Se puede decir que Fin de viajerefleja las preocupaciones de Virginia Woolf durante su adolescencia y primera juventud, siendo centrales cuestiones como las dificultades en las relaciones entre hombres y mujeres jóvenes, la ignorancia sexual y el lugar en la sociedad que ocupaban las jóvenes de su clase, e incluso el efecto de la muerte prematura de la madre.” Ya en esa obra señala la necesidad de un cuarto propio para la protagonista, “donde poder tocar música, leer, meditar, desafiar al mundo, habitación que podía convertir en fortaleza y santuario”.

Déjame que te cuente

Si la primera tarea de una escritora es liquidar al Ángel de la casa, un cuarto propio es condición sine qua non para ejercer esa libertad conquistada para escribir. Y quinientas libras al año: “Mi tía, Mary Beton, murió de una caída de caballo un día que salió a tomar el aire en Bombay. La noticia de mi herencia me llegó una noche, más o menos al mismo tiempo que se aprobaba una ley que les concedía el voto a las mujeres. Una carta de un notario cayó en mi buzón y al abrirla me encontré con que mi tía me había dejado quinientas libras al año hasta el resto de mis días. De las dos cosas –el voto y el dinero–, el dinero, lo confieso, me pareció por mucho la más importante.” Así lo manifiesta la Woolf en ese ensayo fundante que se llamó precisamente “Un cuarto propio” (“A Room of One ’s Own”) publicado en 1929. Un lugar donde: “es necesario que haya libertad y es necesario que haya paz. No debe chirriar ni una rueda, no debe brillar ni una luz. Las cortinas deben estar corridas.”

El encargo de una conferencia acerca de “Las mujeres y la novela” desata un trabajo de más de ochenta páginas donde Virginia, con gran sentido del humor, abre la caja de Pandora de la particularidad de la escritura: “Sería una lástima terrible que las mujeres escribieran como los hombres, o vivieran como los hombres, o se parecieran físicamente a los hombres, porque dos sexos son ya pocos, dada la vastedad y variedad del mundo.”

Un año antes Virginia había publicado su novela Orlando, el viaje de una mujer a lo largo de más de cuatro siglos de la historia de Inglaterra, personaje que en algún lugar de la travesía se convierte en hombre. Dedicada a su amiga Vita Sackville-West, es una biografía ficcional de ella, un análisis de las identidades sexuales, la creatividad, los sueños y la vida. Y una versión satírica de amigos, parientes e incluso de la propia Virginia en clave de humor. Como la princesa Budur de Las mil y una noches, el cambio de sexo de Orlando no modifica su identidad, pero sí su futuro. “No necesito odiar a ningún hombre; no puede herirme. No necesito halagar a ningún hombre; no tiene nada que darme” es la consigna de la Woolf.

Nueve novelas, varias piezas de teatro, colecciones de relatos, ensayos, críticas, la producción de la escritora es una invitación a la aventura que sucede en los interiores, una exploración de la intimidad, las pulsiones y sentimientos de sus protagonistas. Y también una escritura que es un legado, un tatuaje irreversible. Con todo, la literatura de Virginia Woolf permaneció sumergida casi tres décadas después de su muerte, para reflotar en los setenta gracias al descubrimiento de las feministas que enarbolaron El cuarto propio como bandera personal e intransferible.

Por tres guineas

En 1938, cuando Europa ya era una promesa para el infierno, la Woolf publica su alegato pacifista “Las tres guineas”, un ensayo crucial contra la guerra. La “guinea” era considerada más “de caballeros” que una libra. Al comerciante, al carpintero, se le paga en libras, pero a los caballeros en guineas. Partiendo de este código de “caballeros”, Virginia responde a una carta que le consulta sobre cómo evitar la guerra.

....mientras ustedes harán uso de los medios suministrados por su posición –coaliciones, simposios, campañas, grandes nombres y todas aquellas medidas públicas que su riqueza y política influencia ponen al alcance de sus manos–, nosotras, que seguiremos siendo extrañas, haremos experimentos.

De esa lucha contra la desesperación surgen sus últimas novelas: Las olas, en 1937, y Entre actos, de 1941, publicada póstumamente.

Los cañones, los aviones, los desfiles a la orden del día y la parafernalia de la violencia, la muerte y el genocidio tomaron la palabra en el continente y el mundo, y apagaron la voz de Virginia. La sumergieron en el fondo del río en una pesadilla sin fin.

A setenta y cinco años de la muerte de la Woolf, ¿habrá resucitado el Ángel de la casa? ¿Sobrevuela sobre los ordenadores intentando corromper el tecleo de las escritoras contemporáneas? ¿Será el mismo Ángel quien incita sobre qué escribir, qué ocultar, qué callar?¿Cuánto veces más tendrá que ahogarse la escritora en el río para que las chicas del “niunamenos”, de los colectivos contra la violencia de género en Sudamérica ya no sean necesarios?

¿Cuántas décadas más para que las escritoras no tengan que escribir con su bebé sobre las rodillas?

¿Cuántos siglos más para acabar con las guerras de todas partes?

Mientras tanto desde algún lugar donde Virginia juega una eterna partida de bridge con Doris Lessing, con su voz tenaz seguirá insistiendo: ¿Es menos útil al mundo la mujer de limpiezas que ha criado ocho niños, que el abogado que ha hecho cien mil libras? 

La Jornada: La gira del patrón Obama

La gira del patrón Obama
Guillermo Almeyra
a gira de Barack Obama a Cuba completa la del papa Bergoglio, que sin duda fue discutida largamente entre las diplomacias del Vaticano, Estados Unidos y al menos un sector de la burocracia reformista de Cuba, los cuales están buscando la forma más pacífica y menos traumática de favorecer una transición rápida y completa de Cuba hacia el capitalismo.
Con China en dificultades crecientes, el gobierno de Venezuela sobre la cuerda floja, el de Brasil al borde del impeachment –y ante una situación económica mundial que manda a un futuro lejano los proyectos del canal interoceánico por Nicaragua y de construcción por los capitales brasileños del megapuerto para loscontainers que esperarían en el Mariel su paso hacia el Pacífico y China–, Washington y el Vaticano se preparan para lo que consideran tiempos muy buenos para ellos y la burocracia que dirige el capitalismo de Estado en Cuba, que opta por soluciones inmediatas que le permitirían conservar el poder.
O sea, un acuerdo con Washington, una apertura comercial rápida y amplia que mejore el abastecimiento y permita tener un dólar único anclado sobre el de Estados Unidos y, como corolario, un simulacro de elecciones pluralistas en las que puedan participar los opositores presentables y menos dañinos (socialcristianos, socialdemócratas, liberales respaldados por la Iglesia).
Francisco preparó a la Iglesia cubana y acercó la tendencia Obama del imperialismo estadunidense a la nacionalista y pragmática encabezada por Raúl Castro. La presión de sectores medios del capital agrario y de los servicios –incluso de grupos republicanos– por hacer negocios inmediatamente en un mercado que ahora está en otras manos, y la lógica de que la venta de pasajes turísticos legitima cualquier otra venta (hasta una futura de cohetes) empujan a Obama por esa ruta en la que tiene todo para ganar porque ofrece una zanahoria que no tiene, ya que tanto el cierre de Guantánamo como el fin del bloqueo dependen no de él, sino del Congreso, donde no tiene mayoría. Obama expresa la tendencia imperialista que se opone al nacionalismo agresivo del Tea Parthy y de Trump, pero tiene los mismos objetivos: combatir la pérdida creciente de hegemonía que alimenta temores en Washington y recuperar posiciones con el menor costo posible.
El último presidente estadunidense que visitó Cuba lo hizo en 1928, pero desde entonces Washington la ocupó sucesivamente, le impuso dos dictaduras, la invadió en Playa Girón, mantuvo una guerrilla en el Escambray, sembró el dengue hemorrágico, entre otras enfermedades, impuso a los demás países el bloqueo que costó a Cuba 100 mil millones de dólares, pagó espías y contrarrevolucionarios a granel y da refugio a terroristas asesinos, además de organizar decenas de intentos de asesinatos de Fidel Castro. Obama apenas si se ha referido a ese pasado justificándolo y minimizándolo sin ninguna autocrítica.
Esa audacia arrogante basada en la seguridad de que le aceptarían cualquier actitud por ofensiva que fuese hace aún más atroz la pose sumisa de Raúl Castro, quien levantó la mano a Obama como si éste fuese un boxeador triunfante y ni siquiera hizo referencia al objetivo aún oficial del socialismo. Los cubanos y los latinoamericanos tuvieron la terrible sensación de que Cuba está condenada e indefensa, pues ni el cubano ni los demás gobiernos progresistasreaccionan y explican la gira de Obama.
La parte argentina de la misma fue simplemente un periodo de vacaciones para Obama. Éste llegó en efecto en medio de la pasividad de los peronistas (que antaño cantaban ni yanquis ni marxistas, peronistas y hoy se hacen invitar, como el presidente del Senado o los líderes de las tres CGT, a la cena de gala en honor de Obama) y del desinterés de los votantes macristas (que se fueron en masa a la costa aprovechando el feriado). Los grupos trotskistas, los de la nueva izquierda y los organismos por los derechos humanos salvaron el honor con una manifestación, pero el patrón-huésped pudo dar su espaldarazo al pobre diablo que será suhombre fuerte, después de comprobar los efectos de la descomposición de los gobiernos progresistas tras la desaparición de Chávez y de Kirchner y la transformación del kirchnerismo y del PT brasileño en vulgar carne molida. Ya satisfecho, comió buena carne, bailó un tango y se fue a Bariloche, como un turista cualquiera…
El balance es claro: con México, desde hace rato en el saco, el Tío Samestá decidido a poner en orden el gallinero latinoamericano donde los gallos progresistas son muy flacos y escasean los huevos.
Lo primero es Cuba, que esperanormalizar antes de que cumpla 57 años de independencia. Lo siguiente es la reintegración del peronismo de derecha a las relaciones carnales con Estados Unidos, de las que se enorgullecía el canciller de quien formó políticamente (es un modo de decir) a Menem, Cristina Fernández ytutti quanti en la política argentina. Lo tercero es derribar a Dilma Rousseff y devolver al país más poblado de América Latina el papel de algo parecido a un subimperialismo, como durante la dictadura militar. La presencia en la región de las economías china y rusa, en tales condiciones y con gobiernos tipo Peña o Macri, se reduciría a poco.
Pero esos planes, si se concretasen, a mediano plazo radicalizarían las reacciones populares, liberadas de los corruptos e impotentes y enfrentadas directamente con el enemigo de clase y nacional. Una vez más no hay alternativa: liberación nacional y social o colonia, socialismo o esclavitud y miseria crecientes.

La Jornada: La gira del patrón Obama

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2016

Sobre el trabajo asalariado y el despido injustificado de las 59 trabajadoras del IEMS

Publicado en: 25 marzo, 2016

Sobre el trabajo asalariado y el despido injustificado de las 59 trabajadoras del IEMS

Por Ruptura Colectiva (RC)
El 8 de Enero, 59 trabajadoras de limpieza de diversos planteles del IEMS (Instituto de Educación Media Superior, o mejor conocidos como las “peje-prepas”) se presentaron después de las vacaciones únicamente a recibir la noticia de que estaban DESPEDIDAS.
“El trabajo en nuestra sociedad de individuación grita por sí mismo: “¡trabaja para vivir!; mientras
que el trabajo libre y agradable nos dice “¡trabaja para sonreír!”
Demián Reyes
Estas líneas son descriptivas y pedagógicas al mismo tiempo. Comenzamos con una frase-objetivo muy común de la sociedad moderna: “ganarse una vida”. ¿Qué significa esto?, ¿desde cuando la vida es un fin y no un medio de desenvolvimiento? La juventud que asiste a la escuela, busca las mejores calificaciones para graduarse y así poder trabajar (ejercer un oficio social a través del conocimiento adquirido, debería decirse) y quienes no tienen esta oportunidad, comienzan a trabajar para “ganarse el pan”, igualmente que la clase trabajadora en todo el mundo. Es una línea rutinaria UNIVERSAL.
Ya trabajando (en una oficina, en una fábrica o hasta manejando una combi) el trabajador recibe un salario. ¿Qué representa el salario?, ni más ni menos que el dinero necesario para adquirir los medios indispensables de vida, es decir, los medios de existencia, que van desde el boleto de metro hasta las tortillas pa’ las quesadillas de la cena. Así, el trabajador se vende no por voluntad, sino, para obtener un salario con el cual sobrevive. La irregularidad no puede escapar; aproximadamente 6.7 millones de los mexicanos reciben un salario mínimo por día, que hoy se valúa en 73.04 pesos. Esto equivale al 13.11% de la población nacional.
Si de por sí las cifras son de risa (con 73 pesos, a duras penas, se puede tener una de las tres comidas de forma íntegra y decente junto con el costo del pasaje de ‘ida y vuelta’), ¿qué pasaría cuando alguien se queda sin trabajo, por tanto, sin salario?
El 8 de Enero, 59 trabajadoras de limpieza de diversos planteles del IEMS (Instituto de Educación Media Superior, o mejor conocidos como las “peje-prepas”) se presentaron después de las vacaciones únicamente a recibir la noticia de que estaban DESPEDIDAS. Fueron avisadas por las autoridades que el contrato con la empresa “Mantenimiento Roc S.A. de C.V.” había terminado y fue reemplazado mediante outsorcing [1] por la empresa “JOAD Limpieza y Servicios”.
Se establecieron plantones afuera de los planteles e incluso algunos fueron tomados entre estudiantes, maestros y las afectadas. El 90% de la planta laboral no fue despedida, lo que hace pensar que el 10% restante corresponde al sector organizado de las trabajadoras. En entrevista con el medio libre “Ruptura Colectiva (RC)”, ellas denuncian agresiones y acoso sexual desde hace 14 a 15 años, tiempo en el que han laborado en el IEMS[2]. La mayoría de ellas son mujeres solteras, además de pilar único de una familia.
A la par del despido masivo de un centenar de obreros en las fábricas de Lexmark y Eaton Bussman en Chihuahua o de las huelgas de los trabajadores de Dina Motors y Cementos Fortaleza en Hidalgo, se abre la pregunta: ¿qué papel juega el trabajador en el movimiento histórico por la dignidad, el trabajo y el aumento salarial?, ¿cómo hay que reaccionar ante un despido injustificado?, ¿qué alternativas para sostenerse económicamente podríamos ejercer?
Volvemos a nuestras primeras definiciones. Desde la óptica del capital, el trabajador es una pizca de nada a comparación de a quien vende su fuerza de trabajo: el propietario, patrón, capitalista, a quien obliga a vender su fuerza de trabajo. El trabajador se convierte en una máquina. Su dueño puede reemplazarla por otra cuando se desgasta o cuando alguna otra máquina es más barata. Esto pasó con las trabajadoras del IEMS o de la maquiladora Cartagena.
Históricamente, el salario no aumenta mas que en un momento político oportuno o con un movimiento potente que ejerza su DERECHO A LA DIGNIDAD. ¿Por qué el patrón no lo aumenta?, porque el salario se encuentra en el último espacio del modo de producción contemporáneo:
1) Existencia de un dueño o una clase propietaria que posee materias primas, herramientas y espacios de trabajo –>2) se compra la fuerza de trabajo, que se expresa en el salario –> 4) se producen productos o servicios –> 5) se obtienen ventas: ganancia à 6) se pagan un salario a los trabajadores, y así se repite este proceso hasta el infinito.
¿Qué propongo?: el trabajo libre y voluntario. En el hogar ideal, las personas deberían tener distintas responsabilidades (barrer, lavar platos, contratar el cable, acomodar los viejos libros, etc) así como en la prestación de servicios, se podría romper con la rutina (como en el comercial de ‘la Pepsi’) si se ejercieran diversas actividades en lugar de sólo una. La división del trabajo genera monotonía y hace que el individuo pierda su esencia espiritual.
Pero para esto hace falta crear una sociedad que valore los actos humanos (todo trabajo es una actividad humana) de acuerdo a su necesidad y no a su precio.
¿Qué sería de nuestra vida sin quien limpiara diariamente las calles?
(Extraído del Periódico Combate, No.1, 2016)
[1] Del inglés, “subcontratación” por una empresa privada, que como el término refiere, hace de los trabajadores y los servicios una tarea de segunda mano. Se reducen sustancialmente las prestaciones, los derechos laborales y el nivel salarial.
[2] Véase en Youtube como “Las Trabajadoras del IEMS: Una Lucha por la Dignidad”.
Publicado el 28 de Febrero de 2016 en:

México. Desmantelan 4 radios comunitarias y detienen a los que encuentran en el estudio

ublicado en: 25 marzo, 2016

México. Desmantelan 4 radios comunitarias y detienen a los que encuentran en el estudio

Por Desinformémonos

El operativo lo movió la Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Radio y Televisión.
A pesar de no ser la autoridad competente para efectuar operativos respecto al uso del espectro radioeléctrico, la Procuraduría General de la República, allanó y desmanteló 4 emisoras comunitarias de Oaxaca.
En el operativo, violento y simultáneo, se allanaron las instalaciones de las emisoras La Máxima 107.9, La Perla de la Mixteca 96.5FM, La Tlaxiaqueña 91.5 FM y Radical Stereo 98.3FM
El operativo lo movió la Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Radio y Televisión.
Tanto en La Tlaxiaqueña como en La Perla de la Mixteca, los agentes del ministerio público federal se llevaron detenidas a las dos personas que se encontraban, una en cada sitio. Ambos son caseros o limpiadores del lugar, ambos indígenas, ambos acusados de hacer un uso ilegal del espectro radioeléctrico.
¿Por qué está la PGR y no el Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones, encarado de las políticas y de aire y concesiones?
El grupo de presión de los radialistas comerciales, nucleados en la Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Radio y Televisión (CIRT) denunció a las comunitarias ante la Unidad Especializada en Investigación de Delitos contra el Ambiente y Previstos en Leyes Especiales “argumentando el uso ilegal del espacio radioeléctrico y la violación a la Ley Federal de Telecomunicaciones y Radiodifusión”
¿Por qué no formalizó la denuncia ante el IFT tratándose de un conflicto de libertad de expresión?
¿Por qué los detenidos y acusados de la violación no guardan y su responsabilidad no está probada, mucho menos asumida y menos aún, imaginada?
La violencia contra las comunitarias como “legítimas voces del pueblo” tiene antecedentes allí donde el movimiento es grande. Puede citarse el caso de las comunitarias de Tlaxcala y Puebla, que han visto cómo les crecieron acusaciones de narcomenudeo, que luego fueron utilizadas como vehículo para que la fuerza pública entrara en sus locales e hiciera tambalear los proyectos.
En su último informe Anual sobre el estado de la violencia hacia la prensa en México, la organización Artículo 19 denunció precisamente que en Oaxaca, la materia más sensible a la violencia (cometida en alto grado por funcionarios públicos) son las radios comunitarias, “que cumplen un papel fundamental, sobre todo para aquellos pueblos alejados de las grandes ciudades”
Ninguna de las radios allanadas y esquilmadas de sus equipos de transmisión, cómputo y documentación tiene menos de un año al aire. En La Máxima se realiza un noticiero que alimenta a las comunitarias de la región mixteca, uno de los medios de comunicación de mayor alcance para las comunidades indígenas de allí, según referencias de los colectivos comunitarios.
Foto: Jaime Quintana / Taller de Radio en Oaxaca

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2016

Rita María Rial Blanco: La Educación Superior en Cuba

Universidad Veracruzana

UV presenta conferencia sobre la Educación Superior en Cuba

Francisco Javier Chaín Revuelta

Las universidades de La Habana (UH), Veracruzana (UV) y Jean Piaget (UJP) presentaron la conferencia magna “Estado actual de la educación superior cubana, logros, retos y transformaciones en los escenarios actuales”

Fue impartida, el 7 de Marzo de 2016 en la Sala de Videoconferencias de la Unidad de Servicios Bibliotecarios y de Información de la UV en Veracruz – Boca del Río, por Rita María Rial Blanco, vicerrectora de extensión universitaria y de recursos humanos de la Universidad de la Habana, quien destacó la promoción de la salud en el ámbito universitario.

Mencionó que la salud física, la salud mental, “Contribuye a la integralidad del futuro profesional y en gran medida contribuye también a formar a los universitarios como mejores seres humanos comprometidos con una sociedad, con la transformación, con el cambio”.

Indicó que existen estudiantes a los que les puede interesar promover la salud en la sociedad en la cual viven, “Con la transformación en la salud,  en definitiva, descansa la felicidad de las personas”.

Rial Blanco expuso que su mirada es la de asumir la promoción de la salud desde el componente cultural que no muchas veces se toma en consideración, “Creo que para un estudiante que se prepara para ser un profesional competente es importante su formación integral… y puede ser estimulador para aquellos estudiantes que lo asuman desde esta perspectiva”.

La conferencia fue gestionada por las académicas de la UV Elvits Gutiérrez Vázquez, Lorena Nevero Arriola y Silvia Eréndira Rendón González y por la egresada de la UV y rectora de la UJP, María de la Paz Delfín Vargas.

En entrevista previa la maestra  Rial Blanco con respecto a su vinculación con la UV explicó que la UH tiene muchísimos convenios de intercambio con múltiples universidades mexicanas. México constituye el segundo país  con el cual tienen mayor intercambio, “Es un vínculo histórico el de Cuba y México y el de la Veracruzana con la de la Habana”.

Informó que en su doble carácter de profesora dentro del programa de promoción de salud de la UH y como funcionaria del Ministerio de Salud en su calidad de vicerrectora se encuentra en Veracruz invitada por la UJP para impartir un grupo de conferencias y por la UV para exponer sobre la actual educación superior cubana.

En su mensaje a los estudiantes pidió que en primer lugar respeten y quieran a su universidad,  una universidad con historia, considerada entre las mejores del país, a la cual los cubanos y la UH quieren y aprecian muchísimo, así como a su rectora y directivos, sobre todo, por la obra que hacen en pos de la educación.

Pidió a los estudiantes que aprovechen la oportunidad de estudiar en una universidad de tanto prestigio, que aprovechen las oportunidades que tienen para ser profesionales competentes y comprometidos con la sociedad mexicana.

En su plática compartió con el público los antecedentes históricos de la educación  superior cubana, cuándo surge, el desarrollo que ha tenido, diversos momentos de la historia de la educación en Cuba, y mencionó los principales logros de la educación superior en Cuba, así como los retos y algunas de las transformaciones que se están llevando en el país.

Para finalizar agradeció estar nuevamente en México, de estar en casa, dijo que Veracruz es sentirse increíblemente cubana, mencionó que en facebook puso que bendice a Veracruz, por su belleza y calidez.

 Rita María Rial Blanco, vicerrectora de extensión y de recursos humanos de la Universidad de La Habana.

Entrega de Diploma a la vicerrectora de la Universidad de La Habana de manos del vicerrector de la UV región Veracruz

Estudiantes de la Universidad Veracruzama durante la conferencia

Presidium y presentación de la conferencia

Vista del auditorio durante la conferencia

Noticias  http://www.uv.mx/veracruz/noticias/general/uv-presenta-conferencia-sobre-la-educacion-superior-en-cuba/ 

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2016

Rodolfo Neri Vela "Mexico in space and space exploration"

Conference "Mexico in space and space exploration" of Rodolfo Neri Vela spoken on Thursday June 11, 2015 in the auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Veracruzana in its campus of Veracruz - Boca del Rio.

Recording, transcription and errors  Francisco Javier Chaín Revuelta.

Presentation in the auditorium by a professor at the Faculty of Engineering

Thank you for your assitence. It is an honor to have you here this faculty. Applause. Thank you very much. How you were not present when I read the curricula of Dr. Neri, then I'll read it again. Rodolfo Neri Vela was born in Chilpancingo in 1962 (sic) (actually born 1952) he received his BA, MA and Ph.D. in tele communications in 1965, 76 and 79 respectively in the Unam, Exxes university, birghiman University, the latter two in the United Kingdom. For 30 years was a professor and researcher at the Faculty of Engineering of Unam, teaching among many other chairs the art satellite communications, in 1985 she became the first astronaut Mexico to participate as a member of the crew of the mission 61-B NASA of the United States, fortunately now continues its thorough work and is a consultant and speaker, stick with your conference, we receive as veracruzanos important people received with loud applause. (applause)

Rodolfo Neri Vela words

Thank you very much, good is a pleasure to be back here on this campus for platicarles about space travel in which I had the opportunity to participate and also some things today, because ultimately young people are studying other historical things also need information about what is happening and what the immediate plans for the future when these young people are entering their productive professional stage. I will ask, to turn off if these lamps above is possible, the front, so that the colors stand out a little more, you can also turn off some of the center of the ceiling, too, because with the light coming through that door and it is more enough, so we're ready for our projection hall these lamps also help us a lot. So is a more comfortable Are you okay? If (chorus) Okey. Yes, that is fine, thank you. then We will begin our conference entitled "Mexico in space and space exploration" There are children and I'll show them, to also see how I was when I was a child, really, here is my picture ( laughs) when I was a kid in the city of Chilpancingo, Guerrero, but I was born in that place in the house of my grandparents in Chilpancingo, there I grew my early years and was a time when no one had gone into space yet, the astronauts did not exist when I was a kid, so it was very difficult I dreamed of being an astronaut, I liked certainly play, and school and toys as were those of the time of my contemporaries, firemen, cowboys, etc. airplanes, but space travel were just about to start, when I was 9 years, then, we learned in elementary school, the teacher explained to us and let us work study in the newspapers, we learned that a man had come into space for the first time in history, in 1961, by then I was 9 years old, and certainly the news really enjoyed it caught our attention, do not think there us excited children, at the time, because it was not something we saw nearby, it was a character from a distant country, in the cold war, when communism was faced with capitalism, and was not in our plans just go into space because this man was a Russian, trip Yuri Gagarin was very important, first because it was the first in the history of mankind, was in April 1961 that orbited the earth once in that consisted the trip, one lap around the earth, hard sighing, pretend you are right now cleared and when the conference ends, the already returned, was short but historic because it showed that people could go, he would not die, I say, unless there was an accident, but if all the equipment worked, the human being if he could go into space and return to Earth and continue to lead a normal life. So it was historic and precedent to continue with trips other astronauts, getting longer, initially they were always around Earth, and 5 laps, 10 laps, 15 laps around the planet and travel remained and they lasted a day or two ...United States did the same also put its first astronaut into Earth orbit the following year, in 1962, but stayed with the thorn, and the Russians had beaten them, history, putting the first human being around the Earth, then, to remove the thorn, they said, once we master these trips around the Earth, with our own astronauts, let's do something more daring to also be in world history, and so, that while they were placing their first astronauts around Earth, I finished primary school, then studied high school, when I was in high school, here I have 17 years, when I was in high school, something extraordinary happened with which the United U / nests were removed from the espinita, because there were those who conquered the moon in 1968, only had to spend eight years between the first Russian to orbit the Earth and the first American to walk on the moon, it also moved us all around the planet, but again both my fellow high school as I could not dream of going into space because it was something reserved exclusively for Russians and Americans, each with their own country, their own flag. I kept studying, caught my attention that being a 17-year-old could be seen on a screen here on Earth what was happening on the moon, such a far distance, there was, at that time, who was born my interest in electromagnetic waves, understand how it was possible that information, without seeing her, with invisible waves travel through space and the Earth's atmosphere at that time I thought, I'm going to study telecommunications engineer, and that was my gift , including, therefore, the faculty of engineering at Unam, all went well, during high school, high school, although we had no luxuries in the house, we were a modest family, middle class, early at school, and returning to eat, my mom already had lunch and in the afternoon, maybe take an additional class of English or French, do homework, do some sport, so normal, middle and high school, but the first year, when I was already inside the National University studying engineering, my father lost his job, immediately called me and told me, Rodolfo you are the greatest, we are, you are 7 children, so who knows when I'll get a job and noi I have not idea how I'm going to win, so I suggest if you want to be an engineer to tomorrow tempranito you go get your own work so you can hold your studies, there changed my world, but that little unexpected obstacle, I would not stop, I had to be an engineer, I had many jobs, sales, etc. I taught in a tiny high school, my work schedule was all morning, leaving at two in the afternoon, after my classes took them at 4 pm to 10 pm and so was my life, no, no it was not sacrifice, because when you're young you do not get tired, you know, it's all organized, if we have a goal, we can achieve with effort, without throwing in the towel, to say good, and we have time for entertain, can work and study at the same time fun and sports, always found time to go to the movies, to go to parties, all the girls wanted to dance with me (laughs) yeah, I was an excellent disco-dancer, it is in seriously, they do not think that's tale, had a good time, half of the race a math teacher told me, hey because you're not my assistant, playing, I have to do, not after look, they are groups of 80 students, and I need me you review all tasks and also're in the many hours library a week and help them solve their problems, as already going, and then for that easy for me, because the work was within the same faculty where I studying, and so followed, followed, followed, at first my average dropped because it was an unexpected shock, but as the second, third year engineering, I began to improve my average, my average, my average, at the end I was a tenth to get honorable mention, but I said no, because no way, give me a little envious that some of my colleagues, if they are titrating with honorable mention, because they have more than nine average, I Nomás reached eight point nine said, well, so be it, but this, because there will be other things in the future, without imagining, truth, everything I expected, at the end I said I want to know the world and want to learn more, but not no money in the house, luckily I got a grant from the UK, and I went to study expertise in telecommunications, there if I learned a lot about satellites, with my tutor, I made my first computer programs to calculate links parabolic plans, of transbordedores, powers, equations and all that, and when finished the master, and encarrerado, I said, now I want to do a doctorate, I'm in the UK, now will continue with a doctorate, for that Mexico gave me my scholarship, through Conacyt, and then here I am on the roof of the University of Birmingham, with parabolic grid system I designed mathematically, I steeled myself, tried, etc. And after some years of research, I was doing my PhD, I received my certificate, really, is the show because there are some public officials, and even governors, falsifying diplomas, I'm serious, some reach secretaries of state but hey, if these are real. In 1979, I received a doctorate, I return to Mexico to work in a research center in Cuernavaca, Morelos, as it is very close to the city of Mexico, in the morning lit the engine of my car and I was driving to town university Unam to teach 7 to 9 in the morning, and then returned me to the research center of Cuernavaca the day, remind them young, when one is young, one never tires, no ideals, no enthusiasm, no vocation, my long age now I no longer do that, true, but when you're a kid and you're in the twenty or thirty, you are in your greatest potential when you do, many, many, many things. Then I went to the faculty of engineering at Unam, full-time, to work in graduate school, a little before I did that, he was still in Cuernavaca in the research center, NASA, broke the news, extraordinary the first spacecraft in April 1981, this was already getting good, of course this passionate everyone, because it was the first time that a spacecraft had no way tickets, all other spacecraft, or spacecraft, as were capsules, mercury capsules, Gemini capsules, capsules apollo, the soyuz capsule, but this was the first I had wings ..., Which was shaped plane, and had wheels, and cleared as rocket, with the nose up, which went into orbit around the Earth revolved around the Earth, and returning with its landing gear rolling on a track like a plane, this caught my attention, but not only that, it was the first time in history that was a reusable space vehicle, all of the above capsules, could only be used once, and for the following trips it had that brand new capsules, however these ships were designed to maintain them when they returned and to reuse, total nASA with these ships Nomás built 5, and with them made 135 trips, and speak in the past tense because these ships left working 4 years ago, in 2011, the ships covered a very important part of space history for 30 exact years, from 1981 to 2011 that was the last mission. Has happened since then, as you do astronauts to return, to go into space if you no longer have those ships, this is another story, to answer them at the end of the conference, the fact is that these ships could carry crews seven individuals and it was not necessary that all were space pilots, thanks to these ships were born scientists astronauts, doctors in physics, engineering, biology, astronomy, etc, thanks to these ships American women could fulfill his dream, no woman could go to the moon in the apollo missions, but, first, the physicist Sally Ride succeeded. In 1983 and this inspired many girls around the world, especially in the United States, to be interested in science and technology, after Sally Ride they have already been many women astronauts, not only Americans but women of France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan, etc. To date we have had the privilege of going into space about 550 people worldwide, at least 50% are Americans and the rest is divided among many other countries that have had one or more astronauts, Italy, Japan, Canada, Germany are countries that already have about 15 astronauts in space, also in 1983 could be the first American astronaut black, all this sounded great, but I did not dream of being an astronaut and perhaps many Mexicans also dreamed that, because it was American, and I've always been Mexican, the only passport I have had in my life is that of Mexico, and have never asked nationality of any other place, as sometimes confuse people out there .... Where people gets all sorts of things, and sometimes you do not know that something is true and that thing is a lie. Well that year something extraordinary happened that change the landscape, 1983,'Por first time, someone who is not a US boards a spacecraft and goes into space, and that is the German doctor in physics Paul Werner (Sigmund Werner Paul Jähn) that and change things, NASA begins to sign cooperation agreements with other countries, and thus the first national astronaut Canada that goes into space in 1984, the same through selected within Canada internal teams within their respective, and hence the first astronaut Saudi Arabia in '85, the first Dutch astronaut, the first astronaut from France (Jean Loup Chretien) and Mexico's first astronaut. Obviously the game, consisted of two phases, or stages, the respective country had to summon all Mexicans, in this case of birth, which meets requirements and would like to participate, compete, take tests, etc. there were going selecting semifinalists and then finalists, the second phase or compulsory stage was that the five finalists were to Houston to present the second round of tests with NASA, that's the story, so that more than thirty years ago , arrived five Mexican finalists birth, Houston, on the same flight, we rent a car for five, arrived at a small hotel opposite the Nasa, early the next day we turned these final exams at the Johnson Space Center, at the end they said thanks for coming, return to Mexico, send a report to the president of the republic. Shortly after it turned out that had fallen in the first place and that is how I was able to take me this photograph, you all know, truth (applause) Thank you. Well, we have this picture on the screen, I want to take our lighting technician, turn on all the lights for a second, precisely that picture is the one that has done him the honor, and I thank you very much, managers the National Lottery, to bring this commemorative ticket for the thirtieth anniversary (applause) I invite you to participate the draw is on Tuesday (June 16) we are on Thursday still have time to buy the series of lucky, I hope that the jackpot fall here in Veracruz, hopefully, because yesterday I bought a set (laughter) and I hope is good. Imagine that funny would that I take out the jackpot, indeed, would say that was cheating, that they gave me, no, Tuesday is the draw, I'll be in the building of the National Lottery, will be there with managers, with the screamers guys, people who want to attend, then it'll be nice event, very simple, very brief, because I will have the opportunity to greet all the people who go to see the draw, as I say also broadcast live on the Internet. Well, it was all about, and we can turn off the light, thank you very much, was traveling in one of these ships to orbit the Earth and that's not going to think as many people believe that these ships were to moon, no, no, no, no, never went to the moon, were not made for that, the last people who went to the moon, they did in 1972, twelve men walked on the moon and the twelve are or were Americans, but if there have been astronauts from many countries have gone into space to orbit Earth, are two very different things, so these ships were known as the orbiter NASA only rose between 300 and 400 kilometers above the sea, some have thought, well, not much, just are already in space, as if, because the atmosphere of Earth is over 100 kilometers up, I think there's more kilometers from here to Xalapa, so that idea of ​​how thin the atmosphere and therefore give it no alarm, pollution, greenhouse effect, ozone, etc. The atmosphere is the skin of the Earth, imagine an apple and peel is the atmosphere, a hundred kilometers and are in space, there is nothing, in a vacuum, so that beyond a hundred kilometers is already astronaut, but we we do not reach a hundred kilometers, until 350km ...Tourist trips that will start within a couple of years will be very short, will last two hours, they will reach 110 kilometers, ie 10 kilometers above where the atmosphere ends, therefore and they are told space travel, something you start, but these trips, no tourist, but professional, always made between 300 and 400 kilometers above sea level, all the ships maintained a speed of twenty thousand kilometers per hour and every 90 minutes gave a lap around the Earth, so one of my works, is here at your disposal, is called "a around the world in 90 minutes" where story examinations, the competitive selection, training and all aspects space travel, this is the crew, each crew always design your shield, and around the shield, the names of the crew get when participating a citizen of another country, its flag is set aside, remember that NASA made one hundred thirty five space missions with these ships, and of these 135 there are 135 different shields, and this is the only one that is the flag of Mexico, for obvious reasons, took off on November 26, 1985, so we are doing now one little noise, on the 30th anniversary that actually fit exactly on 26 November, we cleared aboard the shuttle Atlantis, as we see here, more volume please, all giving, without fear, we will see that we are seeing, well there's the TV, and entered orbit and here I am doing one of the experiments, which were selected, all designed by Mexican scientists, see my medal David floating, I gave it to a friend, and here we see another experiment, is as the bag is chest by weightlessness, here are eating with trays tied to the legs so that food does not go, covered with a magnet remained in the tray, the computer us he said where we were walking, as we approached Mexico took my camera, I had to take many photos as part of my job, which were then delivered to the INEGI, the Unam, Pemex, to, etc. Here I am, still had hair (applause) Thank you, thank you, yes, let me show you one of the photos I took, here we are flying over the peninsula of Baja California, and Mexico crossed in minutes, counted on the fingers of hand, to the few minutes we were on Cozumel, Cancun, gay movie I did, with all that NASA provided me on the training and space travel, which already give you more details if you are interested and for schools, I'll stop homework assignments, pointing it in his notebook, and adults too and seniors, too, that point, my official páguna and here will find a section, well well that there they will find my personal email for when you are offered something, there they will find a section of video, one of those videos is called "Mexico calling Atlantis" I suggest you see it to remember how it was all that is called Mexico calling Atlantis, because in the orbit 63, the president of the republic, called me on the phone, a satellite link was established, and as the ship was flying over Mexican territory, the president of Mexico and I talked and send their greetings to all our colleagues, I leave homework, do not forget to watch the movie, well, everyone wants to know what it feels to be in space, to understand we must clarify why, instead of going to the moon these ships went round and round the Earth, precisely to take advantage of a phenomenon that occurs when it is in permanent orbit, when you are in permanent orbit around the Earth, it is as if the ship was always falling into the earth, but never falls, is a continuous circular path, it is a permanent free fall, and for those who understand physics, having the effect of permanent free fall, is what produces the apparent disappearance of the force of gravity, and I say apparent, because if the ship is curbed, if its speed was zero, then come down, or Earth, free, but his speed was never zero, its speed was constant, twenty thousand kilometers per hour, which allowed him to continue in Earth orbit, remain in permanent freefall, have the phenomenon within the nave, as if gravity disappeared, it is called a weightless environment, or microgravity; and that that it serves, it serves to do science, serves to make experiments, new discoveries, new products, where they find answers that happens with chemical processes, biological processes, everything you can think of increasing the force of gravity and therefore born scientists astronauts, so the ship was built, because the ship also was built as a very large trunk, to subsequently lead sections that serve to build a very large laboratory in space in Earth orbit also which today already ended, and called international space station, again to be astronauts and scientists continue to conduct experiments in larger quantities and longer times. Always in weightlessness, in the absence of gravity around the earth, these experiments can not be done on the moon, because the moon if you have gravity on the floor, truth, and things fall and what you want is to have a laboratory where things do not fall to the floor, but everything floats, everything is in suspension, everything loses its weight in weightlessness, every astronaut who is in weightlessness in Earth orbit will feel changes in your port, many are visible externally , as you can see here in the first arms are suspended forward, legs bent, his face swells because fluid in your legs go to the chest and head, is restribuye because there is no force of gravity, swollen face, for it is said that astronauts have face ball, and legs you slim, hence astronauts have legs bird, and so will all remain until they return to Earth, but that's not all because you see some awful dizzy when you walk into Earth orbit because you no longer have floor to support you, it's like a puppet suspended without wires, without knowing how to control your movements, until you get used, that is called space syndrome, you tides much , return the stomach, then the problems begin, everything floats, so imagine, it must be done very carefully, imagine when makes them want to go to the bathroom, forget, if I have mood maybe I explain, let's see, but just as we have fluid between the vertebrae, these fluids are expanded by the absence of gravity, in Earth orbit, and column five centimeters stretches, all astronauts are stretched, and shrink when they return to Earth, because they again face gravity, then comes the matter of food that astronauts eat, remember that were trips of several days, at that time, I'm talking about the eighties, trips lasted a week, today is something else, but in the eighties, the ship was running out of fuel was running out of oxygen, food ran out, they had everything, and had to return to Earth, today astronauts can stay several months around the Earth, because are resupplied by freighters capsules that are attached to the international space station, but in the eighties was well, and had a variety of food for breakfast, lunch and snacks, most dehydrated foods such as hard rolls, truth, and all prepared and seasoned, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, rice, whatever you want, shrimp, but all dehydrated, very hard, and to soften it was necessary to add water, and let it be at rest for an hour or so there was also envelopes, where food is not dehydrated, where he had steaks or chicken with juice ready of course, they did not need refrigeration, something very important, because the space food has served to have products today at the supermarket long-term that do not need refrigeration, maybe one of the kids question why not wear your refrigerator, why they did not think to bring a refrigerator, because for the simple reason, well there are several reasons, the first is that the refrigerator is heavy, every kilo you want to send into space costs money, because more energy rockets, truth, or ships or whatever, second refrigerator is needed, consumes a lot of electricity, half of the account that they comes from light to their homes, is due to the fridge, and the fridge while consuming a lot of electricity, dissipating much heat, and this causes complexity for thermal equilibrium inside the ship, and also ocuipa space and booths ships were very small, no place, were heavy, good and a lot of PEROM and therefore had to invent the food long-term seguraqmente could have done without going into space but more slowly, and today it is within our reach, there were many things, about a hundred dishes, everything you can think of, but this was the trip of the first Mexican in space, and I warned NASA, I told very seriously, look Nasa, all this is fine, but if you authorize me wear what I want, you stay with the desire and I will not get on the ship, so NASA, after pondering, he said, is that the mission depends on you Rodolfo, and therefore we authorize you what you ask, so came the tortillas into space (laughter) because, as I had to eat my tacos, with my chicken soup. If you go to the city of Los Angeles, and visit the science center, it is like a large museum where there is also a real spacecraft, which stopped and fly, there is a place in the Science Center, with a plate , which says, in 1985 the John Doe Mexican astronaut took the tortillas into space, and found that they are very useful for food, not only for its nutritional value but is easily rolled, wrapped and do not produce chips that They remain floating everywhere and hiding in the nooks and can damage equipment, and since NASA decided to include tortillas on the menu of all astronauts of all spacecraft (applause) here is our contribution to the conquest from space.
Well, continuing we neared the end, we took the last drink and landed happily in December eighty-five in the Mojave Desert, during the descent the ship overheated to about 1500 degrees Celsius, but the outside was covered with tiles silica luckily we protected this not disintegrate during the descent, unfortunately in 2003 when a ship like this called Columbia, came back to Earth, thermal sun not withstand the high temperatures and when they lacked few minutes to land the seven astronauts died because the ship disintegrated, the ship Columbia, died there seven and one of them was the first astronaut Rick D. Husband, NASA later made changes to improve travel, continued to go into space until 2011, as they I said, the last trip was made, the case is that we landed more or less in the afternoon and I'm here with my colleagues Jerry L. Ross, about to board a van that would take us to the clinic for immediate medical examinations, hours then take a small plane from NASA and went to Texas, that picture they see is in California, on the night we were in Texas, there we received many people, we say hello and everyone went home to sleep, nothing quarantine, the next day early, in the office again, and continue to present a variety of tests, I received my medal flight he thanked NASA, and packed my suitcase, I returned to Mexico, I Nomás went to meet a mission that the nation entrusted me. Return to work, to go all the states of the Republic, give lectures, to receive the keys to the city, I have around a trunk full of keys, and to return aa Unam, to teach engineering, many generations, men and women very talented, and it was there that I began to write my textbooks and while we presented the book Transmission Line, book Communication satellite that has slowly evolved, with revisions and things as they come out new about technology, that's the story, but what happens today? Is happening now, as I said, the NASA orbiters that were 135 times the space for 30 years, had a very large trunk in which they could carry satellites could carry telescopes such as the Hubble telescope, but also could lead segments or parts, that they see on the screen, this is the enormous international space station, giant, a football field, take part in a single release, it had to design it for bits to go sending parts and parts for many years until it was completed, and it was in this way that the United States decided to invite Russia, Canada, Japan and Europe so that together make the final design, bring some wool, all engineers to work and learn things, share experiences , and agreed to all sections of stage rocket Russia and the ships of the United States, until it ended after 10 long years, are sending bits by bits until finished finished as we will see then in fast motion ... well ... the war, but already ended, in several cylinders like this, is observed, all connected together, astronauts do not use pressurized suit, walking with casual wear, as you see on the screen, because there in artificial pressure and temperature is regulated, the cylindrical structure has several layers to cushion the impacts of micrometeorites and avoid fatal perforations. There is a large cylindrical laboratory that is owned by Japan, there is another who is from Russia, one from the United States, and other European countries, share facilities and regularly receives supplies from Earth for your travels long, and not have to return to Earth too fast, these freighters capsules, evolasti, which are launched from Russia and good from Kazakhstan by the Russians and from the United States, rocket, are capsules are attached to this laboratory and bring them food, instruments, all they need, just water, because the international space station can not produce its own water because the electrical energy obtained from the sun through solar cells, and instead orbiters Nasa, produced their own water because orbiters had no solar cells, orbiters used a technology called fuel cells, let's see then, remember, the orbiters were responsible for spinning round and round around the Earth, the international space station also makes it same, there is no difference, the speed is the same, the time it takes to turn around is the same, the altitude at which is is also the same, astronauts feel the same, feel the same, they are swollen the face, the legs are bent, do scientific experiments, the only difference is that they stay longer. There he is now, in these moments, turning the international station around the Earth, there's always six astronauts from different countries, three hundred sixty-five days a year, it never is uninhabited and therefore must estarles sending food, water, oxygen, all, several times a year with freighters capsules, remember the ship used fuel cells, ie, to generate electricity oxygen with hydrogen and the technology was combined in addition to electricity also delivers water very pure water that we used for drinking, personal hygiene, but today the international station must receive water from the earth, and every kilo that is sent whatever, into space costs money, water is so precious, that for two or three years, nASA added a team, this laboratory to produce and purify the urine of all astronauts, and all astronauts are taken as his, all deliver, because they say it tastes good, really, that's a device technology that may be used in homes in the future, within a hundred years, where, if you do not take care of the water, because it will dwindle, and have to process all reuse, recycle everything I can, I think if urine family nothing happens, really, but already anticipated them, that the business know, well, the fact is that it is a new technology, and that's not a story, of course is not a big very large savings, but if you save something, to avoid having to send as much water to the international station, as these pressurized cylinders are spacious, now astronauts no longer use trays strapped to legs as we did, now have a dining room some sit conventionally around the table with their anchored feet somehow, not floating, but never needed someone who prefers to be floating above the table, while taking food, what we will see below happens every days and may be happening at this moment, it will happen tomorrow, after tomorrow, next year, 365 days a year.
Very good. All astronauts try to do something fun, for media matters, so that children see how different things where there is no gravity are made, but eventually astronauts go to work, go to work and such here I am in of the Atlantis spacecraft, with some of the experiments, Mexican scientists, there was not much space, remember that everything should be done inside the cabin of the ship and only lasted seven days travel in the lower left of the front of the ship, which everyone knows as cabin, there are the windows of the shuttle Atlantis, and one as a round door was why we went into the take off today at the international space station, laboratories are more spacious, and here we see an astronaut within these pressurized cylinders, observe that there are wires and cables, computers everywhere, there are also bags and piles of garbage, then because these people never goes there, they are replaced by others after a few months, but there are always people there is very good thing that they bring water, food and send results of their experiments, but do not forget that they are people of flesh and blood, they produce a lot of garbage, every time they eat and every time they go to bathroom, urine and were being recycled but otherwise not, and where it is kept, where it settles if you never get out of there, that we will clear up in a few minutes or more, but first remember that everyone is in weightlessness, is nothing Nomás that you swollen face, that enflacaron legs, no, what happens is that the skeleton does not feel the weight of muscles, esquilero no longer works as it should be, and is losing bone density, bone is decalcified, and can become brittle, one can suffer from osteoporosis if you do not take precautions, and if you miss one medical recommendations, muscles just do not work, because nothing weighed and lose mass protein , strength, and heart alike, do not have to fight gravity, it becomes a slacker, weakens and when one returns to Earth, will face the seriousness and the heart will go crazy, and that not careful will put infarction (1:13:33) so you have to exercise every day for what? to stimulate the cardiovascular system, strengthen muscles, to strengthen bones how to exercise in a place where there is no gravity? How to run? all fly, for that this treadmill was invented with astronaut my partner Ger ros, no this is Willy Spring, is Willy Spring, the straps over her shoulders and her waist tight as you can so that your feet touch the floor and really make effort as they run, run, run in what is called the treadmill like treadmills gyms, here we see the conventionally useless treadmill, because psychologically inside the ship things get pretty much like here in the land, you have your flat, you have your walls, you have your roof, but when you're in the absence of gravity the sense of direction is lost, you can be with your head pointing towards the center of the earth and even notice you give, or you can be with your head pointing towards the Andromeda galaxy and not you realize, that is, no matter your orientation so that the treadmill could well be on a wall or on the ceiling and the feeling is exactly the same and the results are the same, in fact today in the international season, we've been talking about, which is what is used today, also have a similar to this treadmill, but this is on a wall, you have to realize that you are running on a wall and your body is horizontal, because the sense of direction is lost, we no longer had this exercise but today the international station in addition to the treadmill also has a bicycle, this is called the perdómetro and we see two astronauts using it, there is the Russian Metraver and German Ger, look at the bottom as communication is seen as an additional laboratory is an extension, is very spacious this season, is so spacious that has certain amenities that we did not have as we shall see in a seconds, and it is so spacious this season to have equipment to do weights, such as weight training in a place where things do not weigh, as this consensorri apparatus was invented, with resistance, here we see the Japanese jorichi doing his exercises in the year 2009, often ask me after I explain this, let him hear doctor will not want to be in the international station, not as clear that I would not give envy, not because no, no I'm envious because I would envy, if I was 30 years before them into space, and it was a fabulous experience, and do the same, look the same, do the same, are just longer, then I stay thinking and say, you know, on second thought there something that gives me envy, which corrodes me in the womb, because we in the cockpit of the shuttle Atlantis, every time we had to go to sleep, because privacy missing was so small the size of the cabin that everyone had to take a sleeping bag as you see here, and tie it on the ceiling, wall, or where he could and that we penetrate like a turtle into its shell and sleep, and all calladitos not allowed snoring. All at the same time, the lights went out, the windows were covered and solita ship was going round and round around the Earth and eight hours after NASA woken with music. And one day woke us with the Mixteco song because since Mexico was participating in that mission in space. Well that was, in that way, and today astronauts on the international space station and that's what gives me a lot of envy is that they have their personal rooms, many months passed, I guess they've earned that comfort, such as the bedroom astronauts now working around the Earth in the International Space station, uS astronaut Williams Tunita of Indian descent, we will explain below as are these rooms, practice their English, see the absence of gravity. Here the sense of direction is lost, you can sleep as you like, there are computers, books, the door. Other bedrooms, each person has his. And see the bottom, they are like long corridors, Astronauts wings and go to the computer to another experiment or whatever, true, should certainly be very interesting but hey maybe in another life I touch be there because this remember not is envy when I went into space in 1985, now comes the hard part is when they require, really? record,
Well, we're going to present gladly the toilet space. At first glance it looks half like the earth, classic conventional style, we see a small hole, here the difficulties begin, we must be careful here not to lose the pointing, sit very well pegadito without unstuck Cup truth, so that the astronaut must place these bars on her thighs, these are stretched with springs pressure, this section is stretched belly, allowed to fall pressure on the thighs, so that the astronaut stop float and this pegadito as it should be, his legs still floating forward at their noses and therefore to fail not have to amarrase your feet here with straps as if they were to bolear, already in position, is already pegadito, their legs or float, this nice hose will be used for liquids, imagine where it will go for, where god gives us to understand, and since everything is properly positioned will press a button and the machine starts operating, it is similar to household vacuum machine to remove dust from carpets, zuuuuuuummm, it works because there is no gravity and everything is trapped truth and finally disinfected, as it should be. This is the classic model, otorrinador NASA, nothing we had one or it lasted one week, not pulling anything, and when the ship returned to earth, as technical as they dismounted and was setting available for another trip on the ship, but that happens today, little astronauts Nomás use one, and never crowded, of course, if filled, but many months is used, as you do for this type of home maintenance, well now that use are removable, and can be reimplanted, then estapen and have a style of minimalist label, like fashion, and then says Dutch astronaut, Cuitre, we will show, as is the toilet today in the international station, if you listen carefully his words in English, you will see that they will use the hose going to say that urine is collected and processed to produce water and that they can drink and make us coffee the next day, yes, well, then we will see young people .... (Video) just told us that when the tank receives all human waste is full gets a new one and that is no longer going to keep using going to get along with others already dismantled within a cargo capsule, which brings them food, which leads them water will fill with trash, and goes back through the Earth's atmosphere and be incinerated, it is going to drop, apropos to friction catch fire all is the way that all trash is removed several times a year, right, and was answered that question, another question is, these ships NASA no longer go into space, where they are now, I told them that a is in the center of science of the Angels, there you can see the Endebor ship, that of a really, where the actual ship that flew is the true spaceship, is now in foreclosure at the Kennedy space center in Florida, if you go on vacation to Florida and go to the Kennedy space center will be able to see this ship nearby, with extended Gothic arm and the doors of the trunk or compartment open discharge, this spacecraft was used to give maintenance to Hobe telescope in his trunk were many sections that are part of the international station in the trunk Morelos satellite was put into orbit two in 1985, and to finish let's talk a little bit about extraterrestrial life. Noise. We are all alone in the universe, we are the most beautiful? Do the favorite of a supreme force that created everything we have around us or there could be life elsewhere? That is the great question of humanity perhaps that with what happens after death? The two big questions, because we have to go get, while not come aliens officially present his credentials have to go find hills near we can because we still can not travel over long distances, the planet Mars is the main focus today to try to see if could have been life or not millions of years ago or if there are still microscopic forms of ground, it is not known, but is being investigated, today scientists all agree that Mars had rivers and oceans long ago time, and this is concluded from thousands of photographs that several satellites made by man that are orbiting mars have taken for more than 10 years hidrohidrúlica erosion is observed on the slopes of the mountains all around the world, large canyons, large basins where there were lakes, it is concluded that there were glaciers, melting snow, waterfalls, rivers, etc, etc. It does not know what happened to that planet, because water stay is frozen only and it is not known whether there was life or still life underground, so three years ago, NASA sent this robot, noise, robot curiosity to pierce the ground, evaporate the surface of the atmosphere, and analysis, with a variety of instruments to determine the chemical composition of Mars and conclude whether or not there are substances necessary for life to occur, let's see how he got this robot after more than half a year through space, how I manage to descend without destroying the Martian surface despite being heavier than a car and that parachutes are useless in thing because the Martian atmosphere is very thin, has very low density, low resistance and as we shall see, the robot had to use parachutes to a slight little help, but also thrusters and had to finally descend with ropes, gently, to touch the floor and none of the instruments is damaged, noise this robot arrived safe safe, completito, not damage and continues to operate and continues to sample and every day sends information back to Earth, and one of the scientists who helps NASA has interpreted the chemical results which controls the robot and is a Mexican, works in the One in Mexico city, this is one of the photos sent by the robot, what is the Martian soil, looks desolate, desert, seo, but there will be deep? There will be life? That they will send other robots, more sophisticated in this decade and will drill up to two meters down, to continue doing analysis, and try to find remains, as it happens I invite you to make me a ride on the planet Mars, satellites in Europe and the United States have already taken a lot of information, last year the space agency of Germany, made the film we will see below, which shows us reality as it is Mars, will observe the pyre of frozen water, volcanoes with large balls of ice, huge canyons, tours down the slopes showing hydraulic erosion and is a very nice walk, to see as Mars, in reality, noise ... this is the planet Mars when they arrive the first humans? Soon, within 20 years, good for kids seems an eternity, but the years go very fast, especially to develop all the technology of such a complex project because the astronauts will take seven months to reach Mars, they will to stay some time there and then take them seven months to return to Earth, and his career will go into orbit around the sun approaching the planet Mars, by the fact of being in orbit around something they'll be in weightlessness, it is to be close to the sun which is the center of gravity, orbiting and your muscles will weaken, your bones are going to be decalcified, they will go in a small capsule, like sardines, they will not go a very large vehicle, they will need water, food, in seven months, more time will be there, but seven others back, thousands of complex things I barely have time to plan this to be a reality in twenty years and then shelters that should protect against impacts from meteorites will be built, because the atmosphere is very thin and stones fall intense levels of radiation because being very thin atmosphere pass harmful radiation from the sun, touch the floor, it's not like here, the atmosphere protects us from ultraviolet rays on Mars is very thin Martian atmosphere, the pressure is very low, who wants to walk around is a force to bring a pressure suit like that on the moon but can not walk around with a pressurized suit, oxygen tank does not last more than 6 hours, you need to build underground shelters protected against radiation and blows and where they can live in comfortable clothes, make their exits occasionally, investigations or whatever, and certainly will have to send robots and many things before, so I say that twenty years is just enough to solve many problems time because nASA wants the first humans to put Mars also be assured to go home and tell their wonderful experiences so that's all for now and if you want to know more I recommend my book exploring the Universe and thank you very much for your attention. Applause.
