sábado, 25 de abril de 2015

Social-Environmental Conflicts, Development Dilemmas and Human Rights in Latin America

Centre for Latin American Studies, University of Warsaw

Human Rights Consortium, School of Advanced Study, University of London

have a pleasure to invite to the international symposium

Social-Environmental Conflicts, Development Dilemmas and Human Rights in Latin America

29th April 2015, 14:00-18:00
CESLA UW, Smyczkowa 14, Warsaw Aula Libertadores (2nd floor)

Latin America has recently become an arena of apparently clashing trends related to the question of development. The "progressive" and supposedly pro-indigenous regimes that emerged during the last decade were applauded by advocates of postdevelopment or postgrowth concepts for incorporation of sustainable and environmentally balanced model of Buen vivir. Inspired by indigenous cosmovision and principles, it was expected to be a new alternative to old-fashioned paradigm of unlimited resource exploitation and endless growth.
 However, the global boom in commodities prices and the need to finance ambicious social programmes has led Latin American governments to adopt exctractivist policies as a pillar of development. The new extractivism, but also expanding agro-industrial monocultures, road infrastructure and energetic mega projects like hydro-electric dams, provoke growing number of conflicts with local communities over control of land and resources, often leading to serious human rights abuses. Observers report violence and reppresion, pointing to the threat produced by such policy to the well-being of affected population and the ability of indigenous peoples to sustain themselves physically and culturally and to defend their right to decide about their own model of development.
The symposium examines the dilemmas of development in today's Latin America, marked by the pursuit of economic growth, technological improvement and reduction of poverty on the one hand, and growing concerns about the environment, natural resources preservation and human rights on the other. It will analyse socio-environmental conflicts, the infringement of human rights and responses of communities to the threats they face. It will also discuss the emergence of alternative development models and the very philosophy of development.

 14.00 Welcome speech: dr Joanna Gocłowska-Bolek, Director of the Centre for Latin American Studies (CESLA), University of Warsaw

 Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Reality or myth?

Panel one: 14.15 - 15.45

Dr Marta Kania, Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, the Jagiellonian University

 La lucha por la implementacion de los derechos indigenas y perspectivas del desarrollo cultural: caso de la comunidad Tres Islas, Perú.

 Dr Ainhoa Montoya, Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London

 An Activist State? Unraveling El Salvador's Opposition to Mining

Prof. dr hab. Mirosława Czerny, Institute of Regional and Global Studies, University of Warsaw

Vulnerabilidad medioambiental en las zonas periféricas (urbana y rurales) - ejemplos de los paises andinos

 Coffee Break: 15.45 - 16.30

 Panel two: 16.30 - 18.00

 Dr Malayna Raftopoulos, Human Rights Consortium and the Institute of Latin American Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London

Facing Reality: Addressing the Urgent Need for a Full Community-Based Human Rights Impact Assessment of REDD+

Dr Katarzyna Dembicz, Centre for Latin American Studies (CESLA), University of Warsaw (co-author of the paper: Oscar Barboza Lizano, PhD candidate, University of Warsaw)

Cuba ambiental versus libertades económicas

 Dr hab. Bogumiła Lisocka-Jaegermann, Institute of Regional and Global Studies, University of Warsaw

 Sustainable development, the politics of place and decoloniality: contradictory or complementary approaches to Latin American futures?

 18.00 Conclusions and closing address - Dr Radosław Powęska, Centre for Latin American Studies (CESLA), University of Warsaw

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